Automotive software with AUTOSAR
Brief description
The training program is intended for engineers who need to transition from the generic engineering or software engineering disciplines to the automotive industry. The program consists of a theoretical and practical, hands-on part working on actual automotive-relevant software tools and equipment. The participants will get introduced to specific software architectures and concepts used in automotive, such as modularization, virtualization, safety aspects and compile-time configurations, real-time constraints. Exercises are performed in an AUTOSAR environment, covering basic principles and technical concepts of automotive software components (SWC) and runtime environment (RTE). Data exchange formats and OEM / supplier methodologies are analyzed, as well as software migration scenarios. The course has a high practical dimension with real equipment and tools/frameworks utilized throughout, including DaVinci and MICROSAR. Finally, the course introduces concepts with AUTOSAR Adaptive and its future application outlooks.
Novi Sad
20 Online
20 Contacts
1200 Euros
University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013-2019
PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computing.
PhD Thesis: Formal verification of a software transactional memory based on timed automata.
University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2008-2013.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computing.
Professional Experience:
Head of Automotive Development Group, TTTech Auto, 2020-present.
Teaching assistant, Faculty of technical sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013-2020.
Objectives of the program
The goals of the program are to train people to:
- Acquire knowledge in the field of software development for the automotive industry, primarily in the AUTOSAR framework;
- Learn and use appropriate methods and procedures with automotive software tools, such as DaVinci and MICROSAR;
- Acquire communication skills with experts in the field of automotive engineering;
- Understand assessments and appraisals in auditing with regard to capability levels;
- Develop skills for teamwork and cooperation with experts from different fields of expertise;
- Develop creative thinking and analytical skills;
- Developing the ability to use systematic methods in solving problems in the field of automotive engineering through practical project.
Who Should Participate?
The target group of training in the field of automotive software engineering are engineers who completed basic level of study in electrical or software engineering and need to pursue the transition to the automotive industry.
Course in details
Day 1
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L1-Fundamentals (30’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Intro (15’)
– Lecture: Fundamentals (30’)
– Exercise: TT1-SW Design with AUTOSAR (45’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (45’)
Day 2
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L2-Operating System (15’) | L3-Software Components (15’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Recap: Fundamentals (30’)
– Lecture: Software Components (45’)
– Exercise: E0-Intro (30’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (30’)
– Quiz Fundamentals (10’)
Day 3
Asynchronous preparation
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Exercise: E1-Software Components (90’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (90’)
Day 4
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L4-Input Output (30’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Recap: Software Components (30’)
– Lecture: Input / Output (30’)
– Exercise: E2-Input Output (30’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (45’)
– Quiz Software Components (10’)
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L5-Communication (30’)
Live Online Interactive session
– Recap: Input Output and Communication (45’)
– Lecture: Communication (30’)
– Exercise: E3-Communication (75’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Quiz Input Output (10’)
– Quiz Communication (10’)
Day 6
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L67-Mode Management (60’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Lecture: Mode Management (45’)
– Exercise: E4-Mode Management I (45’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (30’)
Day 7
Asynchronous preparation
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Recap: Mode Management I (30’)
– Exercise: E4-Mode Management II (60’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (90’)
– Materials: L8-Memory (45’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Recap: Mode Management II (30’)
– Lecture: Memory (30’)
– Exercise: E5-Memory (30’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (60’)
– Quiz Mode Management (10’)
Day 9
Asynchronous preparation
– Materials: L9-Diagnostics (45’)
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Recap: Memory (30’)
– Lecture: Diagnostics (45’)
– Exercise: E6-Diagnostics (30’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (45’)
– Quiz Memory (10’)
Day 10
Asynchronous preparation
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Exercise: E6-Diagnostics (30’)
– Recap: Diagnostics (30’)
– Project: Project presentation + Q&A (15’)
Day 10
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Continuation of exercise in Offline mode (75’)
– Quiz Diagnostics (10’)
Day 11
Asynchronous preparation
On-site or Online Interactive session
– Project: Q&A session (45’)
Asynchronous hands-on work
Day 12-14
Asynchronous hands-on work
– Project development in Offline mode with discussions on Canvas (135’)
Day 15
Asynchronous preparation
Live Online Interactive session
– Project: Submission & presentation (135’, flexible)
Asynchronous hands-on work
Test: 60min
Duration: 1 hour